The website has just had its 8000th visitor and we continue to talk with folks in online forums and through our Facebook ads. In the last few weeks we have placed ads in India, Nigeria, Switzerland and Bhutan among other countries and the response has, overall, been fairly positive.
We continue to offer supporters the option of making a $21 donation and then advising us where they would like a Facebook ad placed. At the bottom of this post are a number of the images that we have been using in our ads, with more being invented every week.
In the last month we were invited by Tone Lanzillo of Climate Duluth to do an interview about the Aspen Proposal on public access cable tv and that interview, with Aspen spokesperson, Kent Goodwin is now viewable as a You Tube video at
If you know anyone that would like to do an online discussion or interview, please contact us at and we would be happy to participate.